The House Hunting Story..

So..We moved into a new (new to us) home at the end of March. We needed more space and all 4 of my little darlings were ready for their own rooms. They have always shared..and they are growing BIG :(…


So the house hunting extravaganza started. I am normally a pretty calm person…but I am not cut out for this kind of stress. Is it going to sell quick?..oh no, it’s not selling…”We cannot have a TOWEL laying out when people come to look!!!”…I turned a bit crazy. And just about the time I gave up…It sold!!

Now next hurdle..we had our eye on a house that we LOVED. We went to open houses, looked 3 times..drove the motorcycle out on sunday stalking….It was no owners were calling the Po-Po. Our offer was accepted a couple of days later!!! All those things I worried about…most happened.

We closed on our house before we closed on new house  . A week and a half in between houses..we can do this. We borrowed a camper RV from a friend..we camp all the time, what the big deal, right?? The big deal was lender issues..over and over…they hate self employment..

We lived in the camper for 5 1/2 WEEKS!!!! 2 ADULTS, 4 BOYS, 2 dogs..( Boxer and MASTIFF!!!) The first week and a half were not bad..was kind of fun. Snow storms, ice storms, no power, SPRING BREAK…you name it. It happened.  Thank the Lord, no children or pets were harmed in the middle of my almost break-downs…but alas…we were freed from the camper..Home SWEET Home.


So, I want to be able to look back, get feedback, and hopefully give some good ideas to some folks..I am going to post my progress on each room as I “de-90’s” it. It is a fabulous home with lots of stand by and throw in some comments! I would love to hear it!

P.S. Sorry this is such a LONG post…

Peace! Im OUT…Amy